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"Any Water, Any Where"

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SeaPack Emergency Desalination System is used by the US Coast Guard 

Technology / Frequently Asked Questions

Does Forward Osmosis technology use chemicals to purify dirty water?

Forward Osmosis (FO) does not use chemicals to purify water.  Our products employ a proprietary emergency desalination filter system that rejects contaminants and pathogens to create pure drink. Purifiers use chemicals to try to kill pathogens and therefore require long exposure times, high dosages and result in a poor tasting drink that may not be safe. SeaPack's emergency desalination membrane has a microscopic pore size of 3 to 5 angstroms, 100 times smaller than the smallest pathogens.

Will bad tastes possibly get through the membrane?
Under most conditions our products produce a life-sustaining drink that tastes great.  However, it is possible for bad odors to transit the patented membrane, depending on the nature of the source water.  This is because molecules responsible for foul odors (such as sulfur compounds from decaying plant or animal matter) are very small and volatile. They can be close to the size of the water molecule itself. They are actually perceived not by the tongue but by the olfactory system, and the nose can perceive them in minute quantities (parts per trillion).

How long can each product be used and what happens if that period is exceeded?
Each product is engineered for ten consecutive days from 1st use. Our  products meet EPA standards using the above guideline.  When the product is used past the recommended timeframe, there is little to no risk of a structural failure. The primary risk is that bacteria introduced to the clean side of the product through normal use (backwash or airborne) will eventually cause bacterial growth within the clean side of the membrane. In the event of emergency, the health risk from this growth is minimal due to the less threatening nature of these type of bacteria, and certainly much less than the alternative of not using the SeaPack product at all.

Is it possible for harmful bacteria to grow in the sugar-based drink after repeated use?
There is very little risk of this happening. Our nutrient driver is formulated to lower the pH of the drink to 3.2, which is inhospitable to pathogenic bacterial growth.  In addition to this, the charge contains potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate, commonly used food preservatives to keep microorganisms from growing.

How long can I store your products before they go bad?
When stored below 90F, we guarantee a 3 year shelf life. Membranes tolerate high temperatures well. SeaPack membranes are routinely used in industrial applications at 150F. Like any food product, storage below 90F is best.  If stored in less demanding conditions, our products can see a shelf life of around five years.

How durable are your products?
SeaPack products are designed to be rugged enough to withstand military use. They have been jumped from aircraft, stuffed in rucks & life raft and tossed in the back of vehicles for transport while being used in training and in theater. SeaPack products have been pulled from 18 month storage and deployed to Iraq without incident.

Like most products, SeaPack filters will not withstand intentional, extreme abuse. If for some reason an internal weld or seam should fail, the effects upon osmotic production are obvious and consequently do not endanger the user because the osmotic process will fail. Users are advised not to use leaking bags.  The membrane itself is very rugged. The rejection side of the membrane filter does not come into contact with abrasive material that could be present in the source water and hence is protected from damage. Any puncture of the membrane would also likely result in a leaking bag. In addition, if the membrane is somehow punctured, the nutrient sugars responsible for pulling water across the filter will seep into the dirty water, preventing water transfer across the membrane and keeping the bag from filling with clean drink. This provides an inherently failsafe aspect of SeaPack products which provide practical protection to users in the field.

Can the membrane tolerate high temperatures and freezing on the low end?
The membrane handles extreme temperatures fairly well. During storage the membrane systems can tolerate temperatures from 40F to 160F. Temperatures over 160F will cause failure of the plastics. After initial start and during use, all of the membrane products should not be frozen.

Does the product meet government regulatory requirements?
EPA standards require chemical purifiers to achieve 6-Log reduction of bacteria and 4-Log reduction of viruses. SeaPack products are not chemical purifiers, but advanced forward osmosis emergency desalination filters that utilize SeaPack's proprietary membrane. SeaPack products have been subject to extensive independent laboratory and military tests, and have been proven to meet or surpass 6-Log bacteria (99.9999%), 4-Log Virus (99.99%) and 3-Log parasites and cyst (99.9%) reductions as specified by the EPA for water purifiers.

Can SeaPack products be cleaned and re-used?
Yes, but it is not recommended. If it is not properly sanitized contamination could result.

What are the weight and volume savings of this type of technology?
By allowing you to drink from indigenous water sources, SeaPack products offer tremendous benefits to the sailor. Logistically, there are considerable cube/weight savings of using the SeaPack:

Volume:  1 Pallet of SeaPacks = 15 Pallets of Bottled Water
Weight:  2.75 lbs. SeaPack System = 40 lbs of Water (at max volume of 1.8L)

Are there any negative side effects that result from continuous consumption of the SeaPack drink? 
SeaPacks produce a drink that is more concentrated than any other sports drink intended to replace calories and electrolytes lost through exercise.  It is highly recommended that the SeaPack be used only for emergency desalination use and that small sips, separated by a length of time be used to consume the drink.

Perfect for use in your life raft, ditch bag or kayak.

SeaPack sea water desalinator

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