Xado VeryLube Any Way Penetrating Oil
XADO VeryLube Any Way
Penetrating Oil is a universal penetrating
spray and lubricant for different mechanisms. Contains
revitalizant. It is designed
for all types of units and mechanisms, weapon, sundry
and equipment. It restores the mobility of units and parts;

XADO VeryLube Any
Way Penetrating Oil
penetrate easily and quickly into the rusted or jammed joints,
lubricates and separates them. The oil efficiently protects contact
places from corrosion. It is neutral to rubber, wood, plastics, lacquer
coating and blueing. All-purpose helper and a more advanced version of WD-40!
XADO VeryLube Any Way
Penetrating Oil application instructions:
1. Shake the can.
2. Spray onto the treated surface from the distance of 10-20 cm.
3. Use the nozzle for hard-to-reach
150 ml – aerosol
can (Art. XB 40001)
300 ml – aerosol can (Art. XB 40201)
400 ml – aerosol can (Art. XB 40101)
Why not try Any Way
Penetrating oil instead of WD-40